1.) What got you into burlesque and modeling?
I had been needing an outlet of some kind. I'm the one in my group of friends that always goes overboard at the costume/theme parties; planning my exact outfit, makeup, doing my hair a certain way and acting the part. I had also been taking dance classes (I've always loved dancing) but it wasn't the same as performing. I've always had this side to me that is a big ham and when I heard about burlesque, I knew I had to go for it.
The modeling started in college just for fun. Most of my friends are photographers and I just happened to be free when they needed me. I also think my large closet of clothes had something to do with it! When I started burlesque, modeling just seemed to go hand in hand. Plus I think it's pretty fun.
2.) This year has been pretty amazing for you! Tell us about some of the things that have happened!
Well first off, I felt like I hit a restart button. This year I debuted going solo, after being in a troupe for over year. I now feel like I'm really in the burlesque community, whom have welcomed me in with open arms and so many opportunities. I have to thank my hunny bunny, Ginger Valentine, who's been with me since the beginning of our burlesque careers, continually encourages me and introduced me to all you fine lovely ladies. GlamAmour gave me an opening to debut in her Bewitching Burlesque show, I landed as a Top 3 Finalist for "One-to-Watch" for Hot Rods and Heels, and I will be performing at Atomic Frolic! I also was asked to design the flyers for Spring Fling, Hot Rods & Heels, Atomic Frolic. And the websites: DallasBurlesque.com, LaDivinaBurlesque.com, my own website RoseDarlingBurlesque.com and of course the logo for your new venture, Burlesque for the Cause. I've been a busy girl.
3.) A lot of people in the burlesque community refer to you as the "Darling of Burlesque". How do you feel about that, and can you tell us a little about how you've earned that moniker?
Oh I love it, it just fits. Not only cause of my name, but I try to always be one as well. I take the the phrase, "You get what you give, so give good" very seriously, it's very simple and everyone should consider abiding by that too.
4.) I heard that you are going to Chicago to perform in 2 shows!! Congrats! Can you tell us a little about that?
Thank you! Red Hot Annie ( http://redhotannie.com/burlesque.htm ) is a burlesque dancer and pin-up model in Chicago. She and her husband produce shows under the name, Vaudezilla Productions ( http://vaudezilla.com/ ). She happened to find me and asked me if I would ever consider coming to Chicago to perform. I, of course, was thrilled. I spent part of my childhood in Chicago and have been looking for an excuse to go back as an adult.
Vaudezilla Productions put on a weekly show every Thursday and then do a once a month
show on Fridays. We worked it so I would perform both Thursday & Friday. Annie is very focused and so very nice. She even offered to let my husband and I stay at her house! Some of you who went to the Texas Burlesque Festival may have met her or seen her perform. (If you want to check out Annie's first hand experience of the Texas Burlesque Fest, go here - PEGASUS NEWS!)
5.) What does the rest of 2009 have in store for you?
Well I've applied to the New Orleans Burlesque Festival (http://www.neworleansburlesquefest.com/ ), so hopefully I will get in one of the categories and be able to perform there in September. This will be my first festival if I get in and I've never been to New Orleans before so this would be a great reason to go! I also hope a bunch of us get in so we can all hang out together and show them what us Texas girlies can do! hah!
6.) Where do you find inspiration?
So far I've been taking things I've always loved and embraced as a part of me and made burlesque concepts out of them. I feel like I'm taking all the characters that make up my personality and making them come alive. I'm constantly combing the web for inspiration, I've been posting them on my blog/website as "obsessions." It's usually fashion photography or random artifacts from the past. I'm really drawn to the French culture the most, which my "Laisse tomber les filles" routine is influenced from.
I'm also really getting into the details of the whole process. For my Barbarella routine, I researched and learned all of the background behind it. My costume idea evolved from her many costume changes in the movie. I just started with a primitive feel and as I took it off it takes a more modern space feel. I was also unsatisfied with the music available for Barbarella so, I remixed my own with sound clips from the movie. (If you didn't get to see her at Hot Rods and Heels, head over the DallasBurlesque.com and see the video!) Also, don't forget to visit her website, Rosedarlingburlesque.com!

I hope you all head out to the Lakewood on July 18th to see Rose, as well as Kitten Deville, 2002's Miss Exotic World, Lady Divina, Ginger Valentine, Black Mariah, Ruby Rocket and Angela Ryan, accompanied by the smooth musical stylings of Ricki Derek!
Til next time!
absolutely a darling! can't wait to have you in chicago!! :) xo