Hello again, my lovelies! I just got done shooting with Miss Missy Photography, and let me tell you! What am absolute joy she was to shoot with! I arrived makeup done, and as soon as I stepped out of my car, I knew I had left my costumes at home! She was so understanding and gracious and waited patiently as I made the trek back. When I arrived again, her MUAH Blondie did my hair FABULOUSLY. Usually I get my hair done by the wonderful Lynne D. Bomb of Vintage Flair, but I decided to try her out, and was pleasantly happy!
Miss Missy herself is wonderfully talented, and made me feel at ease and comfortable. We all just sat around (well, I lounged around trying to look graceful, lol) and we all talked girly shop - hair, makeup, etc. I can't wait to shoot again!
And for all your VISUAL folk out there - here's a teaser! It's a clickable thumbnail, so just click on it to make it appear bigger!

'Til next time!