Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SO... it's been a while!

I'm going to try and be much better about blogging... really! Promise!

I am fortunate to have so many friends in the burlesque industry, it makes it so much easier to deal with the drama that comes with the territory. I have a great friend, Red Snapper, who has discussed with me career goals, and achieving them. I have realized that this is something i need to get on!

My goals for 2011 -

-Dance outside of Texas in at least 5 states. (as of right now, I"ve danced in two!)
-Headline at least three major shows, one being in Dallas! (2nd part is done!)
-Grow my makeup/hair side. (I will be attending IMATS in June.)
-Do all this while keeping some semblance of a personal life. (HA!)

Let's see how the journey goes, eh?

Til next time,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Hour Glass

Long time no tease! If you're wondering why it's because the scene has been booming these last few months and Viv and I have been insanely busy making new costumes, routines, hangover get the idea. Anyway in that time I also managed to start up a solo blog! So if you like what you read here, chances are you'll dig my new blog, The Hour Glass, as well! Here's the link, drop by and start following ;)

I'll also be posting cross-articles from my blog here from time to time so be sure to check back regularly for show updates and op-eds!



Monday, March 8, 2010

The Other Side of Sketch[y's]

Most of you out there in internet land are aware that I co-produce the Denton chapter of Dr. Sketchy’s Anti- Art School along with the lovely Ms. Vivienne Vermuth; however I won’t be writing to you as the producer, no, instead yours truly will give you the dish on being a featured model! To give you the full impression of my experience it is important to be aware of the things that my production gig usually entails…

1. Heavy lifting

2. Phone calls; lots and lots of phone calls

3. Information relay between the venue and my fellow producer/crew

4. Running errands; lots and lots of errands

5. Promotion, through rain or sleet or…you get the idea…

So you can imagine when my partner in crime booked one of my best mates (the fabulous hoop dancer Syn Tactic) and me for the February MAD Magazine Spy vs. Spy themed show, that I jumped at the opportunity! While modeling may be a lot of fun and games it actually takes quite a lot of planning, especially if you’re catering to the high standard of the Denton Sketchy’s! Syn and I were determined to make it a huge success.


We worked weeks in advance coordinating our opposing ensembles, creating and crafting our own props, making our own spy themed music mix for the show, and practicing pose after pose to get it just right! When you’re honoring one of the best and most prolific publications of all time, let’s just say there’s no room for error!


The session day finally came, and Syn and I spent most of it doing last minuet preparations and bubbling over with excitement! The line-up for the show was a smash; we had chair routines, hoop routines, duets, a very yummy human sketchpad, and the twisty temptress Scarlet Rose Royale perform some burlesque contortion! The modeling was also a blast (pardon the pun); Syn with her dy-no-mite, me with my bomb…we were totally out for each other on that stage, just as the spies would want! Another element that just made the night was the stellar audience that came out to Banter Café. Loads of photographers, sketchers, water colorists, you name the medium they were there that night.


I have tell you though, the best work out of my life was keeping those 20 minuet poses held, and I’m sure Syn (and every other Sketchy’s model) would agree with me. It’s one thing to do photo shoots where you’re constantly moving and shifting but this modeling took me back to my “glory days” as a live figure art model. All in all it was an incredible session, with lots of outstanding feedback and participation, and I loved every minuet of that small, sketchy stage.




Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Broads and panties!


These Broads are at it again - BURLESQUE-A-BILLY! We are taking a turn to the rockabilly side - so slide into some creepers, bust out your best leather jacket and get some Lay-Rite into that 'pomp! Or... just come enjoy some Broads in thier Panties! Burlesque/boylesque, sideshow, singing and more! 15 in advance at, 20 at the door, but don't wait! our first show sold out day before, so grab tickets early!

We are also hosting a raffle to raise money for the Greenville Avenue Fire and those affected, 102.1 the Edge has graciously donated a TON of items, including a EDGEFEST 19 guiatr, signed by all the bands, and more! Visit jessie at her blog -

Courtney Crave
Scarlette Switches
Scarlet Rose Royale

Other Players
Vinny Velour
Cora Coquette
Bubbles Von BonBon
Alystre McQueen
Sin O'Rita
Pixie O'Kneel

Fireplay by Zamra

Vocal Stylings by Vic Handsome

Hosted by Dr. Skotch

Our Honored Guest - Zandra Ellis of Bump N Bring for ticket info!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Politics of Posing Nude

Dear Ms. Velour,

I am an aspiring pin-up model from the Houston area, and am struggling with the idea of posing nude for the camera. I have had a few publications, but nothing too notable and am wondering if a nude set would jumpstart my career? Have you posed nude? What would you do in my shoes? Thanks!


Fully Clothed

Well hello there Ms. Clothed!

You’ve just asked an age-old modeling question my dear, the trouble is only you can be the judge. I will offer my best advice, but it’ll be you in the end who decides if the bra should fall!

First off of course you should be hesitant about disrobing for the camera, after all it’s mighty hard to un-do nude photographs especially if your portfolio is predominantly on-line (as most models are now). Don’t ever let anyone, peer models included, try and tell you it’s not a big deal. It is, it’s your body. Do you have a fall back plan should your modeling career be unfortunately short lived? Does this fall back plan allow for the acceptance of nude (even artistic) shots being taken? If you comfortably believe this won’t affect your livelihood down the road and you are warming up to the idea of being comfortable in your skin, I think you’ll know what’s best for you.

To answer another of your questions, yes, I have posed nude for the camera. Before becoming increasingly active in the burlesque and pin-up scenes I was working at my university as a freelance nude art model. Then I moved progressively into my current realms of performance and modeling which consist of more freelance Artsleaze projects (i.e. Suicide Girls aspirations) and shooting for friends and myself to showcase mine or their fashionable creations (Art With Latex, Dollskin Designs, MUAH portfolios etc). I find myself growing in comfort every day with my body, and have a much deeper appreciation for it. Since I’ve been involved with very progressive and like-minded photographers and designers I find posing nude for a project to be as non-threatening as posing in a full on parka. I count myself very fortunate to be able to work in such safe spaces with such amazing people. Which leads me to my second point…

Know your project leaders (photographers, stylists, lighting techs, muah staff etc)! The more you know about them, the better. Find out their reputation, ask questions, and always ALWAYS get specific agreements in writing! Only sign a model release form if you are completely comfortable with the means and uses those people have for the images you’ve helped create with your body. Also be safe; shoot with a friend or manager/agent. Bring your own contractual documents, be prepared in general, it not only protects you but makes you look professional.

Long story short, don’t be afraid of yourself or your potential, but also don’t throw caution to the wind. That little voice in your pretty head is there for a reason. Listen to it when approaching modeling projects that involve nude work. Your body is an empowering vessel; so treat it with respect and appreciation!



Thursday, December 31, 2009

And... we're BACK!


Well, I'm gonna try, anyways. Go big or go home, I say, and that will be my motto for 2010. I have had quite a 2009, and I'm ready for what's in store this year.

I already have so many amazing models for 2010's Dr. Sketchy's Denton - from local newbies like Jade Pearl and Bubbles von BonBon, to dominatrix diva Athena Fatale, fetish lovely Courtney Crave, bellydacner Michelle Manx, and my favorite LA girl, Red Snapper! So so much to come in the next few months... I can hardly stand it!

I wil also be a performer at the 2010 Dallas Burlesque Festival, as well as be featured in the Dallas Burlesque Fest Calendar! This will be my second year performing this festival, and believe me, you won't want to miss it!

I also already have quite a few travelling gigs underway, such as many shows in Austin and talk of shows in New York, Chicago and LA! EXCITING! I will also be debuting a new burlesque collective in DFW in January... stay tuned for that. ;)

So, while you ring in the new year, keep watch on the Viva Las Vegas website, and when jan 1st rolls around, be sure and vote for me to perform at this festival! It would be an honor to attend and perform, so help a lady out!


Til next time!

